Engaging people with lived experience of spinal cord injury, their carers, family and friends
The SRI’s Consumer Engagement Program puts consumers at the forefront of research, by supporting them to co-design and co-deliver research that is relevant to the needs and priorities of the spinal cord injury (SCI) community.
We believe that by actively involving consumers in research, to benefit its quality and direction, health outcomes for people with SCI will be greatly improved.
If you’re a consumer interested in learning more about research, participating in research, or sharing your knowledge and experience to help develop research, join our dedicated mailing list. You can also download a flyer about this program.
Your voice. Your research. Your future.
This four part webinar series will focus on two key areas. The first is to provide people with lived experience of SCI and their family members foundation knowledge about research. This will include how research works, how to access information about upcoming research, and information about how to participate in the research cycle. The second is to increase awareness of the value of consumer engagement to researchers and the research community. This will include providing strategies for incorporating consumer engagement into practice.
Guiding our program through lived experience
Key to achieving consumer engagement in research is understanding all perspectives of the SCI community. Researchers and consumers need to come together to discuss the goals, possibilities and challenges that may arise during the research process.
We have begun building the Consumer Advisory Network (CAN), a cross-section of people from the SCI community to get involved in this unique opportunity to make an impact on how spinal research works with consumers.
Membership consists of consumers, family members/carers, as well as researchers in the spinal field. Our CAN members are profiled below.
We look forward to sharing ideas and outcomes from this group.
Resources for co-design and co-delivery
What if consumers – the people who directly benefit from research outcomes – were actively involved in the co-design and co-delivery of research studies?
We explore this important topic with specialists from around the world in our Engaging Consumers in Research video series.
There are a number of resources from Australian and international organisations, to help guide consumers and researchers as they engage throughout the research process. Take a look at the Consumer Engagement Resources here.
The Consumer Engagement Program is supported by our major partner, the IOOF Foundation.
Resources are developed with the support of the John T Reid Charitable Trusts, The Marian and E.H. Flack Trust and the Brian M. Davis Charitable Foundation.
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