Travel Grants

Dr Sintip Pattanakuhar

In the 2021 ISCoS Annual Scientific Virtual Meeting, Dr Pattanakuhar has two poster presentations, both candidates for the poster award. One is about gut microbiota change in people with chronic SCI and the other is about the correlations between body composition determined by dual-energy x-ray and thickness of skin-fold in Asian people with SCI. Since these two topics have not been previously reported in Thailand, it is beneficial to receive feedback from peer-senior researchers and colleagues and connect with researchers interested in similar topics.

Sintip shares his experiences from the conference.

“My goal, which is to obtain international research collaborations from the ISCoS 2021 virtual conference has been accomplished with a support from the SRI Collaboration Grant. In this conference, I was both presenter and audience of many presentations. I had an opportunity to report results of my studies via poster and oral presentations. For instance, my research “Correlations between % body fat evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and Anthropometric measurements in Thai disables with chronic traumatic spinal cord injury”, which was accepted as a talking poster presentation, had been presented on Friday, November 1, 2021. Moreover, my research “Tetraplegia and obesity are an independent influencing factor of gut dysbiosis in people with chronic spinal cord injury: a cross-section study”, which was accepted as an early career scholar poster award presentation, had been presented on Thursday, October 31, 2021. From this presentation, I received many questions regarding this research, and I could apply them to rewrite a manuscript of the research. At present, I have submitted both of them to the Spinal Cord Journal. In addition, I have attended the session such as “Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation Promotes Cardiovascular Recovery Following Spinal Cord Injury: Translational Evidence” from Dr. Rahul Sachdeva from ICORD, University of British Columbia and asked him some questions. I plan to contact him to discuss how to use transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation in Thai people with SCI. Also, the research “Applying Position of Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation in People with Tetraplegic Spinal Cord Injuries: A Randomized Crossover Pilot Study” from Dr. S E Hyun from Korea was quite interesting. I also plan to contact her regarding how to apply mechanical insufflation-exsufflation in Thai people with SCI. I also attended the session “Implementing practice recommendations for bone health and osteoporosis management: guidance for clinicians” by Prof. BC Craven and Prof. L Morse, who is my previous mentor in the SRI Mentor Program. I had discussed with the presenters and also the audiences regarding how to develop the guideline for bone health and osteoporosis management in countries with limited resources such as Thai and Malaysia (with Prof. Julia Patrick Engkasan). For me, the most difficult thing for attending this conference was time zone differences since the Vancouver time is 14-different from that of Thailand. Therefore, I could attend only some sessions and recapped the others in the next day. However, it is still very beneficial for me to attend the ISCoS conference with the SRI support. We would like to thank the SRI for this grant that brought me these invaluable opportunities and I wish to expand these benefits to people with SCI as much as possible.”

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