Dr Florian Moeller
Dr Florian Moeller is a physician in orthopedic and traumatological surgery with a strong interest to surgery of the spine. Since his time as a medical student he has been part of a German study group which systemically matched clinical data of individuals first year neurologic rehabilitation as recorded in the European Multicenter Study about Spinal Cord Injury (EMSCI) to community dwelled self-reported data from the German InSCI survey (GerSCI). This specific approach of an individual community-based follow-up empowers the researchers to draw conclusions about the course of rehabilitation far beyond the initial phase of inpatient rehabilitation. Within the past five years Florian and his colleagues gained broad knowledge in the method of data pooling. They wish to share their experiences and to present their efficient approach of following individuals in a long-time setting to other researchers and clinicians.
Florian shares his experiences from the conference.
“Once again, the virtual ISCoS of 2021 provided myself with the great opportunity to present research of our group to a broader scientific public within the session “talking posters”. In times when face-to face meetings became rare also sharing scientific results gets more difficult than it probably never was within the last years.
With its progressive online conference platform ISCoS 2021 gave myself a virtual conference experience better than I ever had expected it. I was impressed how seamless the scientific meeting worked despite its participants joined from many different time zones all over the globe.
Even if I personally would still prefer a conference in presence whenever possible, I really enjoyed the feature of creating my own conference schedule “on demand” by viewing the recorded sessions on the virtual conference platform.
The collaboration grant of the Spinal Research Institute enabled myself a broader view to the conference. ISCoS is a stage for all aspects of SCI related research from fundamental research to research of functional long-time outcome. Even if researchers always should try to widen their horizon we probably tend to stick to “our individual bubble”. In getting to know researchers that I probably
never had met without the SRI grantees pre-meeting I decided to join sessions and poster presentations that I wouldn’t have chosen for my personal conference schedule before. Beside the financial support of the Spinal Research Institute, I am really grateful for this experience.
If I am being asked for my conference experience in one sentence it definitely would be the following: ISCoS 2021 widened my scientific horizon in challenging pandemic times!”