Collaboration workshops provide the SRI with an opportunity to co-host with leading institutions in spinal cord injury as well as connect with the international research community in an open discussion style setting. Outcomes from these workshops further the SRI’s goal of building international research collaboration in a meaningful way for researchers, clinicians and consumers.
Below is a list of the workshops presented at the Annual Scientific Meetings of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) and the Australian & New Zealand Spinal Cord Society (ANZSCoS) since 2016. If you would like further information on the content of these workshops, please email
2023 ISCoS Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland: Leveraging Digital Media for Networking and Dissemination of Scientific Results to SCI Professionals and People with Lived Experience
2021 ISCoS Workshop, virtual meeting: Knowledge Translation in SCI Research: Gaps and Bridges
2021 ISCoS Workshop, virtual meeting: Establishing Consumer Engagement Programs and the Impact for SCI Research Organisations
2021 ANZSCoS Presentation, virtual meeting: Exploring Different Ways of Integrating Consumer Engagement in Spinal Research
2019 ISCoS Workshop, Nice, France: From Concept to Practical Application: Meaningful Consumer Engagement in SCI Research
2018 ISCoS Workshop, Sydney, Australia: Developing Practical Tools for Global Research Collaborations in a Time Poor World
2017 ISCoS Workshop, Dublin, Ireland: SCI Clinical Research Engagement: Developing an Active Research Network
2016 ISCoS Workshop, Vienna, Austria: International Collaboration on Clinical Research in Chronic SCI
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